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Wolfpack Pick Up to Expand to Centennial Campus, Open to Faculty and Staff

Exterior photos of the James B. Hunt Library on Centennial Campus. Photo by Marc Hall


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Wolfpack Pick Up is excited to pilot a program extension on Centennial Campus this fall. Beginning in August 2018, students, faculty, and staff on Centennial Campus will have access to our pick-up and drop-off services. Like on central and north campuses, our service will operate on Centennial Campus exclusively, and will not transport individuals from Centennial to main campus. Access points will be posted and updated regularly as needed for those using the service for the first time on Centennial Campus. Per usual, scheduling will take place on our scheduling page.

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To date, Wolfpack Pick Up has been an exclusive service for students. As demand has increased, and the service has been used occasionally for special purposes, our team felt it was only sensible to begin offering regular service for the thousands of faculty and staff who serve our Wolfpack community. Faculty and staff will have equal access to the service beginning in August, and operating hours may adjust according to demand.

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As the transition takes place this fall, we may encounter issues and delays. Our team always welcomes questions, comments, concerns, and feedback to assist in maintaining the top level of service. Please send all correspondence to or to staff coordinator Colin Beamer at Wolfpack Pick Up may be reached at 919-515-5465 during regular business hours, and please leave a message if not answered immediately.

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